Premature ejaculation Treatment

Learn about the many types of premature ejaculation treatment and home remedies at Rasyog Ayurveda.

Premature ejaculation Treatment

  • Author Rasyog Ayurveda
  • Released 15.02.2017
  • Category Health
  • Subject Premature ejaculation Treatment

Premature Ejaculation Treatment :

Are you looking hard to treat premature ejaculation and impressing your woman throughout the night? No doubt, there are lots of treatments out there for early ejaculation but does they all work? Even if they do, are they all safe and natural? These are the questions that you should ponder in your quest of treating early ejaculation. There are a number of treatments adaptable to treat or rather to reduce problems associated with this problem. The treatment to be adopted should always depend on the severity of the problem. The main focus in all these methods is not to the only train but also improve the mental habituation sex as well as physical development of triggering control. Rasyog Ayurveda is one of the great ancient treatments for premature ejaculation disorder in the world. It offers measures that will prevent or cure physical, mental and spiritual well being. Ayurveda offers herbs that are effective in treating various diseases and physical problems such as premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a problem that many men, unfortunately, have to deal with on a regular basis. PE can be extremely embarrassing when it happens, and because of this, many guys who suffer from this affliction tend to avoid sexual situations entirely. Luckily, premature ejaculation is not a permanent condition. Once you understand the particular causes of your issue, then you can figure out the best way to treat it. And nowadays, treatment for premature ejaculation is better and more comprehensive than it ever has been in the past. As a quick fix for the PE problem, pills can be regarded as a treatment for the issue, but it can't cure the cause for good. Buying pills from pharmacies are not advisable. Instead, you'd better get a prescription from the Rasyog Ayurveda doctor for great herbal pills. The weakness of pill treatment is that it won't help the user to understand his body or premature ejaculation causes. Also, there's no guarantee that PE problem can be solved just by taking pills along.

Premature ejaculation treatment regimens are flooding the internet over the increasing incidence in such cases. And it should be rightly said that few are hoaxes with the multitude of side-effects. Hence the importance of a trusted premature ejaculation treatment from a reputed source would help in curing the sexual dysfunction and in turn improving sexual health. With a practice spanning over 10 years in the field of sexology and Rasa Shastra, Dr. Amol Bamane has stood out among all sex therapy doctors.

Modern medicine has cited the reference of many journals and clinical trials where drugs have been used to achieve treatment for Premature ejaculation. And it can be ameliorated by the use of counselling too. With new advances in pharmacological sector, the side effects of those drugs are increasing hence the shift to a natural therapeutic regimen is in search.

Premature ejaculation is a sexual disorder that affects many men, PE happens when a man is unable to control its ejaculation shortly or before sexual penetration before the person wants it. This sexual disorder leads to an unacceptable sexual experience that has affected most men at some point in their lives. This male sexual dysfunction increases the level of anxiety which also contributes to this condition.
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Management of Premature Ejaculation :

Ayurveda is an ancient natural treatment that originated in India. Ayurveda comes from Sanskrit word that means “Knowledge of Life”. It has gained a great reputation in the world treatment and it becomes more common in the world as a means of treating and sustaining perfect health. Ayurveda offers excellent herbals premature ejaculation.

Ayurveda treatment includes a good diet, perfect lifestyle, medication, exercises, and herbals. Firstly, the special doctor will first diagnose you, advise you, and prescribes the perfect treatment plan for your condition that includes dietary recommendations, herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, yoga-specific practices (postures or breathing techniques), massage with specific oils. At Rasyog, they offer highly effective premature ejaculation treatments and other sexual disorder through the knowledge shared by the ancient Ayurveda using herbals and medications.
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Yoga for Premature Ejaculation :

Don’t think you are the only one suffering from premature ejaculation, this condition is a general among many men. Yoga is one of the best premature ejaculation treatments. Yoga is an ancient exercise practiced for over 5,000 years, it helps to boost spiritual, physical, and mental strength. Yoga practice is very active for numerous problems like sexual disorder. The modern world is now benefiting from ancient practice, yoga has gained great popularity around the world.

Yoga contains several poses that are very effective to solve premature ejaculation disorder. Here are some poses you can opt to: -

Sarvangasana : -
It helps the body maintains the reproductive organ's health to improve the sexual performance of the bedroom. The main advantage of this pose is to strengthen the adrenal glands and boost the strength of sperm semen.
Siddhasana : -
This pose is a successful male pose, it is a standard meditation pose that helps to lower stress levels in the body, stimulate the brain calming the nervous system, and stabilizing sexual energy. This pose is very easy to master, very easy to reduce the symptoms of premature ejaculation. It also benefits the pelvic area of men and boosting flexibility.
Baddha Konasana : -
This pose also helps to increases blood flow to the abdominal, pelvis, and back to increase sexual energy. The pose can aid to stretch your hips slightly and maybe more helpful for men with premature ejaculation.
Ustrasana : -
This kind of pose helps the abdominal organs to relieve the flexing spine and lower back pain. The back-position helps to calm the system and adds extra energy. It also helps to releases the spine and hips for extra resistance to stretches the body including the pelvis.
Dhanurasana : -
This pose is very effective to reduce premature ejaculation. It is very good for sex life by stimulating the reproductive organs. It also works in all diseases related to the stomach.
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Exercises to Deal with Premature Ejaculation :

To achieve a better sex life, you need to control your ejaculation at the right time. Premature ejaculation can lead to unsatisfied sex life for both partners. Some effective home remedies and exercises can assist to delay ejaculation or make someone aware of how they are feeling and how to control them.
Kegel Exercises : -
These are the best exercises for sex, so if you opting for an exercise you can choose because it is very effective and helpful for preventing and treating sexual disorders like premature ejaculation.
Barbell Hip Thrusts : -
This kind of exercise is very good for improving gluteal strength, hip mobility, and the ability to push which is very useful during sex performance.
Front squats : -
This exercise helps the largest muscles in the body. It can help you achieve longer and stronger orgasms.
Kettlebell : -
A strong pelvic floor help to increases stiffness during an erection and helps maintain the blood from coming out of the penis. This exercise also helps to strengthen your back chain and pelvis for you to last longer and active during sex. It also works by boosting the cardiovascular function.
Squats : -
This a strength exercise that works by increasing the level of your testosterone in the body. It also helps the blood flow to the pelvic area, which makes the orgasms stronger.
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Home Remedies for Premature Ejaculation :

There are best remedies you can follow and practiced at home to gain boost your treatment to overcome premature ejaculation, the prefect options are : -
Good Diet : -
This aspect is very important, daily exercise, balanced life, with good diet play a fundamental role in the reproductive system and the body system. Watermelon is a rich substance called citrulline, it helps to relax and dilates the blood vessels. Garlic is also good for the reproductive, it helps the penis to obtain great blood flow. A good diet is very good for the reproductive system because it improves erection quality.
Breathing, Relaxation, And Meditation : -
There are various exercises to prevent and control premature ejaculation; muscular, breathing, relaxation, and Meditation can help your treatment for this sexual disorder. The arouse of having sex can make a man ejaculate faster before you wish. Good breathing before or during sex is very important, to achieve a great deal take 10 deep breaths before you start the sexual play.
Open up and Talk to Someone : -
Keeping your condition alone will only worst the situation. Understanding with proper consulting is very important, always ask your help. You don’t need to blame yourself for your condition, mostly if you a married couple. When you agree together and fight it with proper treatment, you will overcome it easily. With the help of Dr. Amol Bamane, you will get the best consulting and the best Ayurveda treatment for your disorder.
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Food for Preventing and Treating Premature Ejaculation :

Diet is an important supplement to fight premature ejaculation. What you eat has a great impact on the penis muscles. To make it perfect here is some best diet you can consume for better treatment : -
Carrots : -
This is diet is the good man's reproductive organ. It has been revealed as a cure for many sexual health problems or disorder which premature ejaculation is one of them. Carrots also boost the libido. It contains rich antioxidants and carotene that help to boost the blood circulation during sex to reduce premature ejaculation.
Spinach : -
According to some research, men who are unable to last longer have less magnesium than those who do not. Do you know spinach has a high level of magnesium? Adding it to your diet not will improve your sexual health and physical health.
Watermelon : -
This is good to helps you cures premature ejaculation. Scientists have found that watermelon helps produce L-arginine, an amino acid that is converted in the body to nitric oxide. It helps to relax blood vessels and boost erections.
Onions and Garlic : -
These are very perfect for treating premature ejaculation by thinning the blood and helping to improve the blood circulation throughout the body.
Fish : -
Fish contain high omega-3 fatty acids that help fight anxiety and depression. They also contain anti-inflammatory properties to regulate the blood flow.
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Great Things You Can Do When You Have Premature Ejaculation :

Here are a few basic tips you can follow to help your treatment and prevention : -
1) Have regular healthy sex with zero pressure.
2) Be confident and maintain good communication with your partner.
3) Change the rhythm during sex.
4) Good balanced diet, regular exercise,
5) Problems with anxiety, stress, and depression should be taking care of properly as they can result in premature ejaculation.
6) Talk to your doctor immediately you notice you have premature ejaculation.

Certain Things to Avoid to Prevent Premature Ejaculation and Also Help Your Treatment : -
1) Stop masturbation as quickly as possible.
2) Stop the consumption of alcohol and tobacco. They can easily lead to a decrease in testosterone.
3) Try and avoid anxiety because having sex with anxiety will contribute to the whole issue.
4) Avoid the use of creams and pills. They may be effective for some certain period but later worse the whole issue.
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Great Things to Take in When You Have Premature Ejaculation and Also to Prevent It :

Green Onions : -
Green seeds are very active to increase human endurance and strength for better sexual ability. You can blend the seeds with water and drink it at least three times daily before meals. Garlic is also very effective for the reproduction system.
Ashwagandha : –
This is an Indian herbal remedy, very effective for treating men's sexual problems and disorder. It boosts the male ability to be able to control ejaculation and prolong sex.
Asparagus : -
Boil the roots of these plants with milk and take it twice daily to strengthen the male organ muscles.
Balanced Diet : -
Zinc, calcium, selenium, and iron are good to strengthen the organ to delay ejaculation for better sex life. So, avoid some foods such as caffeinated beverages, chocolate, and peppers.
Vegetables : –
They are an effective remedy for treating premature ejaculation, taking vegetables daily will also help your sex life.
Carrots : -
It contains a great component that will help by boosting the libido to control premature ejaculation.
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Some Things Not to Take in When You Have Premature Ejaculation :

Sugar : -
Sugar and artificial sweeteners have a great negative impact on our sex life. Sugar is found in many foods like soda, fruit juices, bread, spices, tomato sauce, etc. Artificial sweeteners are not good for the body because they contain chemicals. You need to avoid things like the plague, foods that contain high fructose corn syrup.
Preservatives : -
This can also cause sexual problems. Preservatives can affect the male ability to function in bed, it is usually found in packaged foods which include French fries, mayonnaise, potato chips, tomato sauce, and so on.
Premature ejaculation is a condition that can occur any time, it is very common among the youth. To obtain better treatment for your condition, it is very important to contact the Rasyog Ayurveda therapist to help identify the root of your condition and recommend the best Ayurveda premature ejaculation treatment and advice on how to live a better lifestyle. With the help of Rasyog Ayurveda doctor, you will overcome this condition and achieve a great and satisfying sexual life.