Natural Treatment for Oligospermia

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Natural Treatment for Oligospermia

According to researchers, sperm count has fallen considerably by almost 60% in the last few years. Oligospermia is also called Low sperm count can occur when the sperm count is less than 20 million sperm per milliliter of sperm. Low sperm count or oligospermia may be caused by changes in the environment, diet, and lifestyle that hinder the production of male sperm. Excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking are another common cause of Low sperm count. Lack of hormones can also lead to defective, little or no sperm, which leads to an infertility problem. There are several treatments for oligospermia that help to increase hormone levels and, in turn, increase the chances of fertility.

Too much stress can change the hormonal balance in the human body; sometimes the hormonal imbalance can affect the number of sperm in order to promote infertility. Sexual problems such as PE, ED, and relationship problems can also stimulate the problem of low sperm count. Sitting for a long time, wearing tight clothes, exposing the testicles to heat, such as in a bathtub with hot water, inadequate nutrition and too much bicycling can all contribute to this problem.
Exposure to environmental pollutants such as heavy metals like lead, cadmium or arsenic also causes the problem of infertility. Smoking, too much alcohol intake, and obesity are other popular reasons which can cause a reduction in sperm count in a male's semen. Genetic factors such as infertility caused by environmental pollutants in humans can be transmitted to children, or problems such as Klinefelter's syndrome and cystic fibrosis may also be inherited by genetics, which can lead to a reduction in sperm count. Some treatment which uses radiations can also cause infertility and people consuming too much junk food or improper diet which can cause a deficiency of some important nutrients and vitamins such as zinc, selenium, vitamin C, and folate can also lead to this issue.

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Oligospermia is not reversible but it can be a cure if treated properly. Improving diet and following a healthy lifestyle can positively impact male reproduction. Apart from this, herbal remedies can really cure low sperm count if used appropriately and at suggested doses. Natural or herbal supplements improve your sperm health and fertility rates. There are many new herbal products which are designed in a very natural, safe manner that possess the following features:
1) Increase count
2) Increase motility
3) Increase both quality and quantity
4) Increase hormone
5) Enhance sexual desire
6) Free up testosterone, which increases sex drive and endurance

Natural treatments are mostly made from natural herbs and hence it is free from side effects. Above all, it is very cheap since they are made from naturally occurring herbs. For all these exceptional properties, this method is the number one choice for every man.
If a man cannot impregnate a partner after regular sexual activity over the year, this is the biggest symptom of a low sperm count. However, there may be many other reasons for the lack of conception, including women's problems. Some people may also experience a hormonal imbalance such as lack of desire for sexual activity and behavioral changes. The lack of hair growth on the face also indicates hormonal changes and may be the presence of insufficient sperm count in male semen.
You also need to have a good exercise and you have to refresh and relax each time you are trying to love your honey for the purpose of imagining a child. Being relaxed helps a lot in avoiding low sperm levels. This is because stress can also be one of the leading causes of infertility. If you think about it, if you feel stressed, the tendency is that you cannot improve or perfect things. This also applies to virtually everything you are including and your intention to have your child and family.
There are also numerous herbal medicines available on the market. All you have to do is to have a thorough research for it through the use of the internet. You can also see the oligospermia specialist doctor to seek for essential advice and prescription that you essentially need apart from the things that you should do so that you will soon be able to find their family to love and nurture.
If natural cures and dietary changes do not completely get rid of your oligospermia then you should visit the rasyog ayurveda. After assessing your condition they will be able to pinpoint oligospermia causes in your own personal situation and steer you onto an appropriate treatment plan.

Dr. Amol Bamane

Dr. Amol Bamane (MD, Ayurveda) founder of Rasyog Ayurveda. He is published so many articles on health topic like Yoga, Meditation, Home remedies, Ayurveda diet, Virudha aahar and Recipes. You can consult Dr. Amol Bamane by through book an appointment on rasyog ayurveda website.

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