Premature ejaculation causes and premature ejaculation symptoms

Learn about premature ejaculation causes and premature ejaculation symptoms of premature ejaculation here.

  • Author Rasyog Ayurveda
  • Released 15.02.2017
  • Category Health
  • Subject Premature ejaculation Causes and Symptoms

Premature Ejaculation Causes

Premature ejaculation is an ailment that connects psychology and pathology to human physiology. Premature ejaculation causes interconnect the erectile dysfunction to a poor sex life. Premature ejaculation is when the ejaculation occurs earlier than what is considered the cut off time of normal ejaculation.

It was noted that one of the main causes for separation and divorce in married or relationship due to the lack of sexual pleasure of one or the other partner. It has also been proven that premature ejaculation is one of the main causes of this lack of sexual pleasure for a male partner.

Researchers, Scientists, doctors, and even ordinary people have a different definition of what premature ejaculation really is? These definitions include arrival before you want and you feel you cannot control it. It is also defined as a permanent or recurrent sperm current with a minimum sexual simulation before, immediately or directly after penetration, before a person wants it. In terms of relationships, ejaculation or sperm release can be determined before your partner reaches her orgasm.

As mentioned earlier, premature ejaculation condition can cause sexual dissatisfaction between you and your partner, while you are out of your expectation and your wife is not even close to her orgasm this can be a result of embarrassment, disappointment, a lack of self-confidence and low respect.

One of the main causes of premature ejaculation is excessive masturbation. This will lead to poorer action through premature ejaculation. Masturbation will also make your body to achieve an orgasm faster and easier than you want to. This makes your body more sensitive and receptive to physical stimulation.

Etiologies for premature ejaculation are :
1. Organic :
• Diabetes
• Multiple sclerosis
• Prostate disease

2. Psychological :
• Relationship stress
• Performance anxiety
• Under or over excitement
• Inexperience with sex

Premature Ejaculation causes come to the attention of a medical professional only when the patient present to the OPD with complaints of inadequacy in sexual acts. This prime complaint qualifies for suspicion of any ejaculatory problems.
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Premature Ejaculation Symptoms

Individuals suffering from premature ejaculation need not present as an emergency at any time. Rather, their clinical presentation includes a shy, timid disclosure of their inability to commensurate their relationship with their partners. These reasons are embedded in the premature ejaculation symptoms.

There is a solution to every problem, and the solution for sexual satisfaction due to premature ejaculation is psychological, biological, medical, and plant material (using natural medicine).

Sex is a gift for every relationship and marriage in order to make a man respectful. It also improves and promotes better relationships and a more lenient marriage between you and your partner. The use of Ayurveda natural medicine for premature ejaculation problems in men is not entirely new. Men have been using this natural medicine for years because they offer an effective solution to men physical education problems.

Even authorized physicians recommend these so-called sexual natural medicine to men who suffer from various sexual disorder such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation etc. simply because they are quite effective. What makes these sexual natural medicines such as a powerful weapon for premature ejaculation is attributed to the ingredients they contain.

These symptoms are as follows :
1. Anxiety
2. Depression
3. Disturbed relations with partner

Often these presentations are not specific to the condition but mark the relation of mind over body. There are other premature Ejaculation Symptoms but those are more related to the underlying aetiology. They include being obese, sedentary lifestyle or difficulty passing urine. Premature Ejaculation is a sexual condition but is a natural cure for it. Stop feeling shy and embarrassed. If you leave this problem untreated it won’t go away on its own all you need is to act fast today!